Theater of Public Policy is an improv troupe that does Minnesota political humor. The group will perform at the Minnesota Discovery Center in Chisholm on Thursday, Oct. 5.
The Iron Range young professionals organization ReGen will launch a month of “Be the Change” events in October. The kickoff is Thursday, Oct. 5 at the Minnesota Discovery Center in Chisholm. That program features the Theater of Public Policy, a comedy act that blends good natured local and Minnesota political humor.
Here’s how ReGen describes the series:
“Be the Change” is a series of events meant to gather and energize individuals in the community to take the first or next step to become involved in civic, policy, non-profits or grassroot efforts.
There will be events every Thursday through October, always Thursdays at 6 p.m. at the Minnesota Discovery Center. All events are free and open to the public.
This is the lineup:
Oct. 5 — Kickoff event featuring Theater of Public Policy
Oct. 12 — Civic and Policy Engagement
Oct. 19 — Nonprofits
Oct. 26 — Grassroots Efforts
You can find more information at the ReGen website.
We’ll be talking about ReGen and a lot more in my Oct. 14 Great Northern Radio Show at Hibbing Community College, which also features live music, comedy and more.
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