The think piece on Dorothy’s ruby slippers you didn’t know you needed

Dorothy's ruby slippers from "The Wizard of Oz"

PHOTO: Jonathan Smiley / Creative Commons

The iconic film “The Wizard of Oz” is 80 years old. It’s such a cultural touchstone that at least five generations have now seen it so many times that they know the lines.

And like “The Wizard of Oz,” we’ve well repeated the story of how a pair of costume ruby slippers worn by the leading actress Judy Garland were stolen from her hometown of Grand Rapids, Minnesota, in 2005. The FBI recovered the ruby slippers in an operation last year.

But if you thought you’d had enough of the story, you haven’t read this April 30 piece from the Washington Post Magazine. The Elizibeth Evitts Dickinson story explores in fabulous detail the entire saga and its still unresolved mysteries.

Worth a read.

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