New disc golf course in Balsam Township

Henry Brown

Henry Brown (PHOTO: WDIO)

Please indulge a proud dad moment. Our oldest son Henry Brown was featured on WDIO News last night for his Eagle Scout project. Raising almost $7,000 in cash and in-kind donations, with the help of 24 volunteers, Henry built a nine-hole disc golf course at Balsam Community Park near our home in the woods. He came in under budget and returned more than $2,000 to the township for park improvements and maintenance.

He’s 17 and we’re very proud. He’s studying natural resources at Minnesota North-Itasca with an interest in forestry.

It’s a fun course, too. If you’re into disc golf check it out on UDisc.


  1. Very cool. And he does look like his Dad.

  2. David Kannas says

    Well done. Your dad and mom have every reason to be proud. You will make a great forester.

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