MinnesotaBrown wakes up from California Dream

Palm trees in Palo Alto, California. (PHOTO: Aaron J. Brown)

Stanford University in Palo Alto, California (PHOTO: Aaron J. Brown)

It’s been quiet the last few days here at MinnesotaBrown. It’s not that there isn’t anything to write about. Election 2018. Steelworker negotiations. The continuing saga of Northern Minnesota’s rough water landing in the future.

But I had the opportunity to travel to San Francisco last weekend to conduct an interview for my book project about late Hibbing mayor Victor L. Power. I met a man named for Power, whose father was a close friend and political ally in early 20th Century Hibbing. I’ll save the details for the book. I’ll be researching for one more year and writing next year.

Anyway, the trip took a lot out of me. This on top of the Great Northern Radio Show, coming up Nov. 17. And the real job on top of all that. Only so much time to go around.

It was a short trip last weekend, but I did get to spend a few hours exploring the Bay Area. Some of my observations will wind their way into future columns and posts. It’s good to break out of the routine, meet new people and hear new ideas. In fact, I recommend it.

Posting will resume in coming days.

The Golden Gate Bridge as seen from Baker Beach in San Francisco, California. (PHOTO: Aaron J. Brown)

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